
We sit in the same space but we don’t really talk anymore.  Maybe we never did.  The silence never bothered me now it feels like a weighted noose.

We pass in the day like acquaintances but not friends,  like there are not years of shared history to be remembered .

When we discuss things it’s in frustration now, not progress.

We use to be inseparable now not so much.

I’ve never felt like I always get it right but now I feel like I never get it right.

I feel like with the years each passing, the expectations have grown higher than I can reach.

I’m not sure what I need but I now know I don’t know what you need.

The life preserver that hangs in the corner has grown worn from lack of use and sunshine. I’m not sure it will still work in an emergency.

I feel like we may need it now.


Published by I Call it Life

I am... A mother of two Wife Daughter Author and Wandering Soul. I've lived a good life but have dealt with mental health issues for 20+ years. It has been a challenge and I've learned a lot about myself and others over the years. I want to share my journey with the world. I want to help others survive as well.

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